I return to the USA in early June and spend the next two weeks in my hometown of Canton, Ohio. Highlights include dancing to my brother's band on "biker night," reconnecting with extended family I haven't seen in years at Dad's summer party, and indulging in homemade veggie pizza, red wine, and late night conversation at Mom's. I visit friends who are in various stages of motherhood--one has an adorable 1-year-old daughter and is pregnant with her second, two others are in their third trimester. It feels funny to wake up in the same bed in the same town for several consecutive nights.
On June 19, exactly six months after I left, I return home to Jackson, Wyoming. It's greener than I've ever seen it and I'm informed that the relentless rain finally let up the day before. Perfect timing!
My Top 10 Favorite Jackson Summer Activities:
1. Trail running: The 11 mile route from Game Creek to Cache Creek is my favorite.
2. On the Water: Whether rafting or kayaking the Snake River, tubing Flat Creek, or boating on Jackson Lake, I'm all about it.
3. In the Water: The "hippie hot spring" near my house is the perfect temperature and offers a view of roaring Granite Falls.
4. Camping in the Gros Ventres: I have to wear extra thick socks as my feet approach arctic temperatures at night, but the silhouetted Tetons and star-gazing more than makes up for it!
5. Biking with friends to the People's Market: a Wednesday gathering of local food vendors, artists, beer, and music. Always a good time.
6. Hiking the lesser known areas of Yellowstone: I skip Old Faithful and opt for a nearby hike that leads me past wispy Fairy Falls, spouting Imperial geyser, and gurgling mudpots. Best of all, I only shared these sites with ten other people rather than a hundred.
7. Hiking to Phelps Lake or around Curtis Canyon at dusk. Simply peaceful.
8. Dining outside with friends at Teton Thai or Lotus Cafe.
9. Wildlife sightings: Seeing buffalo, moose, and elk still gives me a thrill.
10. Taking photos of the gorgeous landscape!
And now...back to work! I am happy to report I was able to return to my former nanny gig!