Laura and I boarded the Bluebridge ferry this morning at the misty Wellington Harbor. The journey to Picton Harbor is expected to take about 3 hours and be a bit bumpy today. We find two free seats together and decide to take turns exploring the massive ship while the other saves the seats. The seating looks very similar to that of a large airplane with 4 seat rows but also has lounge areas interspersed throughout the area. There are a few small cafes selling the standard snacks and beverages. There are even private cabins equipped with 2 beds which people must book for long journeys. Most people are getting ready to watch the movie on the big screen T.V. in the general seating area but I stand on the ship deck watching the Wellington buildings fade out of sight. Then I return to my seat so Laura can explore.
The boat begins bobbing up and down as we encounter large waves and I clam up with nausea. I try to relax and focus on the movie but my soon my head hurts and my stomach is churning. Panicked, I grab a complimentary white barf bag and sprint back outside. Leaning against the wall I try to think happy, non-barf thoughts. Then, I look to my left and see the German girl from a few rows back barfing in her bag. On my right an old woman barfs into hers. The undulating boat, this barf-fest around me, it's too much. I succumb to the seasickness and fill my own bag; miserable amid islands of gorgeous green hills. A kind crew member brings me a blanket, ice cubes (sucking on them is supposed to help), and more white bags. I try to remain as still as possible and suck on my ice cube. Eventually, the seas calm and so does my body. I am able to enjoy the rest of the ride and talk with the (now recovered) German girl and the Belgium guy she's traveling with. As we near Picton Harbor on the South Island even the weather has improved. The rain and grey skies of Wellington have given way to warmth and sunshine in Picton. Yay!
We board the Naked Bus bound for Nelson, our final destination for today. Naked Bus isn't what it sounds, rather it is a bare bones bus company outfit that runs to many NZ locations for reasonable prices. Apparently, even bathroom breaks are considered a luxury because when we stop to let one guy off, I tell the driver I'm going to pee while he retrieves the guy's pack from the back. "No you're not, no stops"he returns. I REALLY have to go so I run to the edge of the woods and relieve myself in a not-so-private spot, driver honking. He shoots me an annoyed glance as I climb back on the bus. I shrug, "Better out there than on your bus."
We arrive in Nelson and jump on the free bikes the Tasman Bay hostel provides to explore an adorable town with hanging baskets at every turn. I see a kid busking outside the grocery store with a sign that says "Happy go lucky traveler saving money to cross NZ" I toss a few coins in his guitar case and he strums a mellow tune. I like this place already.
OOOOMG I am reading this and screaming with laughter!! Sea sickness is sooo bad!!! It happened to me once in the Bahamas! Your bus/bathroom dilemma also reminded me of our road trip to Niagara Falls and I had to go BAAAAD!!! behind that semi in the truck parking lot!!!!! I can't wait to see all of the photos!!! Love you!! Mom